Ferdinand's Photomerge Scene Cleaner

8:08 AM Ferdinand 9-05 0 Comments

Here's My Photo Merge

Credits: Angelo Antioquia
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To make this type of image, you need to have at least 10 photos and motion in your photos. The equipment you need are a tripod, a camera, and Photoshop elements. To do this type of image, you need to use Photo Merge, go to scene cleaner. Now open all you images that you took. Keep in mind that you may not be able to use all your photos that you took. Use one of your images as the final product. You can now draw and trace the rest of your photos into that one image. Also, beware of the little errors this program might make. Once you're satisfied with your product, you have the option to edit your image. To make it look better. Also, it's a good time to save as well.

In my image, I was trying to represent me doing a layup. It can also show you the mechanics of doing a layup. And all the steps. I was trying to touch the backboard with my head. Also, I tried to say hi to the camera when I was on my way up.


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